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Lottery Tickets (TIX) was developed by a team of renowned computer engineers in the United States, utilizing the scrypt-jane algorithm. With a total supply of 100 billion, it was officially launched on Cryptsy on September 20, 2013, with the coin’s source code being made public at the same time to ensure transparency and fairness. The team behind TIX has extensive experience in creating coins and networks, and has been anonymously monitoring and maintaining the code and network since its release, providing strong technical support to maintain the coin’s operation and reputation.

Improving on the concept of Bitcoin, Lottery Tickets (TIX) not only meets the requirements of decentralization, but also offers improved anonymity and supports tamper-resistant instant transactions. It also ensures that both regular POW and masternode services benefit simultaneously. Additionally, it aims to establish a chain industry alliance with TIX as the medium of circulation and value anchor, utilizing “memory blockchain” as the underlying technological support. Smart contracts will be maximally utilized in the entity retail payment economy consortium, bringing better prospects for practical applications of Lottery Tickets (TIX).


【中国台湾检方寻求拘留ACE Exchange负责人】金色财经报道,本月早些时候,ACE Exchange创始人David Pan因涉嫌策划欺诈而被拘留,中国台湾检察官今天请求台北法院以涉嫌洗钱和欺诈罪拘留ACE Exchange总裁Wang Chenhuan。本月早些时候,潘和一名姓林的同谋被指控勾结三年,利用社交媒体上的虚假广告诱骗投资者将资金投入包括MOCT在内的毫无价值的加密货币。检察官今天表示,王涉嫌参与此案,法院将于今天晚些时候对他的拘留做出决定。

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