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Certificate and File Chain (CFC) is a decentralized blockchain digital asset based on Ethereum, and it serves as the digital tOKen for all applications on the Certificate and File Chain platform.

CFC ensures the on-chain storage and provides a platform for certificate inquiry and verification, with a core technology of low-latency and high-concurrency matching trading system.

The greatest significance of certificates lies in the authenticity of the content they prove. However, traditional certificates are prone to being lost, damaged, altered, difficult to query, and difficult to verify. The decentralized, distributed storage, tamper-proof, and transparent nature of blockchain provides strong technological support for the storage and notarization of certificates. In the field of certificates, blockchain technology has absolute advantages, wide application scenarios, and huge value.


【Ripple支付服务“Ripple Payments”拟重返美国市场并将推出针对性解决方案】金色财经报道,在离开美国市场三年之后,Ripple Payments计划特别针对美国推出解决方案,Ripple产品营销主管W. Oliver Segovia在LinkedIn上发文称,Ripple将推出一系列产品更新,这些升级涉及针对美国大多数州的货币转移许可证(MTL),据悉目前Ripple大约90%的业务都在美国境外,本次更新相关举措标志其计划回归美国市场。

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