“Tron and Avalanche holders join Pushd presale for early access”

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Disclosure: This article does not represent investment advice. The content and materials featured on this page are for educational purposes only. The pursuit of Pushd in its presale intensifies, captivating Tron and Avalanche holders who eagerly join the early investment frenzy.Tron (TRX) exhibits a resilient 94% year-to-date surge, poised for a $0.1933 year-end value, while Avalanche (AVAX) rides the recovery rally, eyeing a $50 milestone with the upcoming Durango upgrade.Pushd (PUSHD), with its innovative features and a competitive $0.094 initial price, emerges as a presale sensation, drawing over 26,000 sign-ups. As excitement builds, investors anticipate positive trends in the ever-evolving crypto landscape.Tron: green across all charts, eyes set on positive outloOKTron showcases a robust performance with a remarkable 94% year-to-date spike, signaling a positive trajectory. Over the past two weeks, TRX buyers regained control, propelling a notable 11.2% increase.The optimistic Tron price prediction anticipates a potential year-end value of $0.1933. The bullish momentum aligns with a favorable market sentiment, presenting opportunities for further uptrends.Avalanche: riding the recovery rally waveAvalanche positions itself at the forefront of the cryptocurrency market’s recovery rally, displaying a commendable 50% progress. As altcoins experience a resurgence, AVAX aims to extend its ascent, potentially reaching the coveted $50 mark.The eagerly awaited Avalanche Durango upgrade, scheduled for Feb. 13, introduces features like Avalanche Warp Messaging (AWM), promising enhanced communication capabilities and interoperability across chains. Technical indicators and on-chain metrics support a positive outlook, with analysts predicting a 20% surge to $49.95 and potential bullish gains to $54.92, marking a 35% climb.Pushd: igniting frenzy in the presale spacePushd (PUSHD) has entered stage five of the presale, and it has been a presale market sensation since day 1, drawing over 26,000 registrations within weeks. Positioned as a potential game-changer in the cryptocurrency space, Pushd (PUSHD) focuses on the expansive $6 trillion internet retail sector.The presale’s competitive initial sale price of $0.094 provides an affordable entry point, attracting investors keen on tapping into online retail growth. Pushd’s features set it apart, including a debit card for direct spending, fee-free currency exchange, a dynamic rewards program, and decentralized governance. The presale’s success reflects strong market interest, positioning Pushd as an enticing option for investors navigating the evolving dynamics of online retail and digital currencies.In conclusion, the scramble for Pushd continues, driven by its promising features and the presale’s impressive response. Moreover, TRON and Avalanche holders actively participate in the early stages.As these projects unfold, investors closely monitor their developments, recognizing the potential for positive trends and opportunities within the dynamic crypto landscape.Find out more about the Pushd presale at their official website. Disclosure: This content is provided by a third party. crypto.news does not endorse any product mentioned on this page. Users must do their own research before taking any actions related to the company. Follow Us on Google News


【金色晨讯 | 2月18日隔夜重要动态一览】21:00-7:00关键词:ETF、巴哈马、Gemini Trust
1. 彭博分析师:以太坊现货ETF不会在3月底获得批准;
2. 数据:全网DeFi协议TVL近720亿美元,创2年新高;
3. Yuga Labs收购Proof后Moonbirds交易量增长919%;
4. 巴哈马银行Deltec被指控向SBF提供“秘密”信贷以购买Tether;
5. Gemini Trust:已被授权开始将持有的超3090万股GBTC货币化;
6. ABA等机构请求美SEC修改限制银行参与加密领域的SAB 121条款;
7. 9支现货比特币ETF在26个交易日内购买27.35万枚比特币,价值140亿美元;
8. Bitwise CIO:ETF的推出是比特币在美国市场的IPO,今年BTC或突破8万美元;
9. Coinbase CEO:正在将闪电网络集成到Coinbase,未来或允许使用闪电网络进行商业支付。

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