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Exodus (Exodus Computing Power, Aixu) has creatively proposed the POSTT (Proof of Space Time and Task) consensus algorithm using blockchain technology. It has established a dual-layer consensus deployment architecture of “cross-fire network and fully intelligent device nodes”, and flexibly organizes networks relying on the Internet of Things Multi-Hop technology, activating a massive number of distributed online intelligent devices. This forms a decentralized shared computing power allocation and trading market.

Exodus efficiently and securely achieves consensus through smart contracts, and customizes resource prices on-demand, transparently settling without the need for third-party intermediaries. It serves multiple high-computing demand industries such as smart manufacturing, virtual AR, film and animation, artificial intelligence, big data, and scientific computing. This innovative approach will have a deep impact on the development of these industries, enabling them to harness the power of decentralized computing in a secure, efficient, and transparent manner.


【Aleo用户在KYC文件泄露后感到担忧】金色财经报道,为了在Aleo上获得奖励,用户必须根据Aleo的内部政策完成KYC/AML并通过OFAC(外国资产控制办公室)的筛选。zk应用区块链平台Aleo公开了其用户信息。 用户在X社交平台上提出担忧,并向L1平台通报了该问题。
名为 @0xemirsoyturk 的用户声称 Aleo 错误地将KYC文件发送到他的电子邮件中。 这些文件包括另一名用户的自拍照和身份证照片,让他担心自己的信息安全。另一位用户 @Selim_jpeg 证实了这一说法,并表示他还在电子邮件中收到了另一位用户的 KYC 文件。

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