[维维安]Solana 中断引发了有关客户多样性和 Beta 状态的问题

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Solana 网络于国际标准时刻 2 月 6 日上午 10:22 经历了严峻中止,区块生产暂停了五个多小时,然后验证器从头启动了网络。

这并不是 Solana 第一次宕机。

自 2022 年 1 月以来,Solana 已产生大约六次严重停机和十五天部分或严重停机。


随着更多信息的出现,此线程将被更新 https://t.co/rfeioQ6BG9

— Solana Status (@SolanaStatus) 2024 年 2 月 6 日



Solana 于 2 月 9 日发布了最近一次中止的事后陈述,详细说明晰其原因以及验证器如何从头启动网络。

该陈述显示,Solana 的即时 (JIT) 编译缓存遇到了该过错,该缓存会在履行业务之前编译一切程序。

早些时候,JIT 缓存是使用“ExecutorsCache”完成的,但是,在 v1.16 版别中,ExecutorsCache 被名为“LoadedPrograms”的新完成所替代。


但是,该加载程序遇到了留传加载程序问题,导致 JIT 缓存遇到旧程序的循环,导致它重复从头编译它们,而不是有效地拜访和履行它们的指令。


Solana 战略主管 Austin Federa 告知 Cointelegraph,有一个用新电机系统替换旧装载机系统的进程,但计划在更新版别中禁用它。


JIT 编译器遇到了无法找到所需内容的问题。


Solana 工程师很快发现并修复了问题,更新了系统进程,并识别了这些旧程序以避免未来的从头编译周期。


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Some critics have said that a significant factor contributing to Solana’s outages is the lack of client diversity, leading to potential central points of failure. Kadan Stadelmann, chief technology officer of open source decentralized exchange platform Komodo, told Cointelegraph that Solana’s developers and validators prioritize shipping code fast over maintaining perfect network uptime, adding:

“The key reason is centralization and lack of validator client options. Solana’s ambition for high throughput and low transaction times puts immense pressure on its infrastructure, making it susceptible to performance degradation and outages.”

However, Federa suggests Solana possesses much more accurate architecture and explains that only two smart contract networks worldwide have independent validator clients: Ethereum and Solana. Currently, Solana has one major validator client built on one functional codebase.

“Solana has never had an outage due to a fault in consensus or something along those lines. The problems have always been implementation details. It’s always been that there’s been a bug somewhere in the implementation layer, which is not better or worse. It’s just an important kind of accuracy,” Austin explained.

The Solana mainnet “beta” saga

The Solana blockchain was launched in March 2020, and over the next four years, the network has made significant strides in the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem. Solana ranks as the fifth-largest DeFi chain in total value locked, with over $1.7 billion in capital allocated to different on-chain protocols. Its native Solana (SOL) tOKen has a market valuation of around $49 billion, making it the fifth-largest cryptocurrency.

Despite a magnificent track record, Solana has never officially come out of its beta phase. The blockchain is still referred to as being in mainnet beta. Beta is a term that refers to nearly finished software that a select group of users is testing before an official launch.

However, the Solana blockchain is open to everyone, with hundreds of decentralized applications utilized to launch various products. The blockchain ecosystem also boasts a vibrant nonfungible token (NFT) ecosystem.

Solana underwent brief private and public beta testing before releasing v1.0 four years ago, and today, the network processes more transactions than most other chains.

Even though the code is still changing, Solana is much beyond what can be considered beta software. The persistent misperception results from a mix-up between pre-launch testing and post-launch software maturity and misconceptions around Solana’s messaging.

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The beta status has attracted much criticism of the blockchain, especially in light of its outages over the past two years. Crypto users on social media have often mocked that Solana’s status as a mainstream blockchain often changes to mainnet beta and back, depending on whether the chain is down.





$SOL #Solana pic.twitter.com/IjvRaM58dZ

— 大卫·米勒 ⬡ (@CryptoDavid_) 2022 年 5 月 1 日

Federa 声称大多数区块链系统目前都处于测试阶段,只有比特币和以太坊可能是完好的主网,并解释道:

“软件系统需求很长时刻才干稳定并完成功用完好,因为重要的新功用仍在 Solana 网络上发布。



许多 DeFi 支持者以为,Solana 的停机无疑是其成为以太坊竞争对手的妨碍。




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