
注册并登录App即可领取高达 60,000 元的数字货币盲盒:点击此处注册OKX

Global Rental TOKen (GRT) is more than just a blockchain platform for renting cars – it is a revolutionary intermediary service that connects customers with rental companies worldwide. By integrating their vehicle information into the Global Rental app and accepting GRT tokens as payment, rental companies gain access to a global customer base. In turn, customers can easily rent cars using GRT tokens, while enjoying the flexibility of choosing from a wide range of rental companies through the GlobalRentalToken app. Additionally, rental companies can utilize the app’s GPS feature to track their vehicles in real time, ensuring efficient management and security. GRT is at the forefront of revolutionizing the rental industry, making car rentals more accessible and convenient for everyone.


【3341万BLUR从解锁合约经0x0A0多签地址转入Coinbase Prime】金色财经报道,据链上分析师余烬监测,BLUR 一月一期的解锁于 1 小时前转入 Coinbase Prime:
3341 万 BLUR (2249 万美元) 在 35 小时前从解锁合约解锁转出至 0x0A0 多签地址,然后在 1 小时前经 0x0A0 多签地址转入 Coinbase Prime。自 2023/6/15 BLUR 进入解锁周期以来已累计解锁并转入 Coinbase Prime 20% (6.168 亿) 总量的 BLUR。

转载请注明:GRT币交易所购买攻略 | 币百度
