
注册并登录App即可领取高达 60,000 元的数字货币盲盒:点击此处注册OKX

Infinity Arena is an innovative NFT card game that combines elements of science fiction and tactical gameplay. In this game, players embark on a cosmic journey to seek out the powerful Zeronium on different planets, engaging in intense battles to defeat their opponents and claim valuable rewards. The INFINITY ARENA ZERONIUM TOKEN (INAZ) can only be mined from the ground or planets, and it holds the key to vanquishing the forces of darkness. Players can utilize Zeronium as collateral for in-game transactions, participate in decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) activities, and even join thrilling events and tournaments. With its rich lore and strategic gameplay, Infinity Arena offers an immersive gaming experience unlike any other.


【Crypto Tax Audit首席执行官:由于担心美国国税局的追溯性法规发生变化而阻碍了申报工作】金色财经报道,Crypto Tax Audit首席执行官Clinton Donnelly表示,许多美国用户没有申报加密货币税,是因为担心美国国税局会在他们提交报税表后修改法规,美国国税局有追溯适用法律或追溯解释法律的自由裁量权。据悉,Clinton Donnelly也是加密货币资本收益计算方面的专家。
美国国税局3月25日的通知中描述了现有的一般税收原则如何适用于使用虚拟货币的交易,在这份也被称为2014-21号通知的更新中,美国国税局表示,适用于财产交易的一般税收原则将适用于使用虚拟货币的交易。虽然该通知确实澄清了税收征管机构对加密货币交易的立场,但Clinton Donnelly表示,它缺乏法规的法律约束力,在这次更新之前,美国国税局还没有就加密货币的税务处理发表过意见。

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