Binance vs Terra: 谁能居公链第二

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Jan. 2022

DataSource: FootprintAnalytics December Monthly Report Dashboard

In December, the growth of the cryptocurrency market slowed down after the breakthrough growth in various areas in November. The total value locked (TVL) in DeFi failed to surpass $300 billion and instead dropped to $270.69 billion, a decrease of 5.23% compared to the previous month. BTC and ETH experienced a flash crash, while the NFT trading market saw a slight rebound. In this report, we will analyze the overall situation of the cryptocurrency market in December based on data from FootprintAnalytics.

BTC and ETH experienced a flash crash, with a drop of over 20%

According to FootprintAnalytics data, in December, the price of BTC dropped from $57,179 to $46,472, a decrease of 23%. The highest daily trading volume in the month reached $57.7 billion, and as of December 31, BTC’s MarketCap was $8.8 trillion. The price of ETH dropped from $4,592.82 to $3,695.60, a decrease of 24.2%. The highest daily trading volume in the month reached $40.3 billion, and as of December 31, ETH’s MarketCap was $4.4 trillion.

The flash crash of BTC and ETH this month may be the result of multiple factors in the market. Excessive leverage and a large number of open futures positions, sluggish growth in the number of active addresses, and lack of liquidity were some of the reasons. Additionally, this month, cryptocurrency exchanges completed the withdrawal of users from mainland China, which also had some impact, including major exchanges like Hu


【Crypto.com寻求追回交易错误的7.6万美元】金色财经报道,Crypto.com最近提交了日期为7月7日的法律文件显示,佐治亚州居民James Deutero McJunkins Jr.于2022年6月24日在他的Crypto.com账户中收到了5万美元的错误存款。Crypto.com多次要求McJunkins归还资金,但在他未能归还后启动了仲裁程序。该公司根据佛罗里达州统计局提出了索赔,包括违反合同、民事盗窃。Crypto.com在程序结束时获得了仲裁裁决。这一结果要求Mc Junkins在裁决颁发后30天内向Crypto.com支付76,391.46美元。

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